
Making a UT Austin education possible

UT Austin is committed to enrolling and graduating the most talented Texas students by offering competitive recruitment and scholarship packages that make the university an option for high-potential students, regardless of income. Our commitment to affordability means making it possible for students to take full advantage of all that the university has to offer, in four-years, to reduce student costs and debt.

  1. Financial Aid Questions

    Students, contact Texas One Stop for your questions about financial aid, scholarships, and loans. You can visit Texas One Stop, located on the ground floor of Main (the Tower). If you’re not able to visit in person, you can still call Texas One Stop at (512) 232-6988 or email at onestop@utexas.edu for assistance.

  2. Scholarships and Financial Aid

    We are the official office overseeing federal grants and loans, federal and state Work-Study, state grants, Texas Advance Commitment, and outside scholarships. Our knowledgeable and accessible staff provide comprehensive information to students, their families, faculty and staff in a timely manner.

  3. Compliance and Collaboration

    We are the leading experts in scholarships and financial aid, ensuring compliance to federal and state regulations. We work with colleges and schools to determine aid, provide training, and support university goals.

  4. Student Support

    As student champions (for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students), we provide financial aid to help as many students and families as possible. We support students by assisting them in understanding their financial aid awards, one-on-one financial wellness sessions, financial literacy workshops, and understanding and applying for state and federal Work-Study opportunities.

News, Tips & Reminders